Book #409 – The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

9780141329390The fifth installment of the Sherlock Holmes was published in 1902, and is likely one of the most known of Holmes’ adventures. That might be just because it was introduced me by a Jack Russel terrier in a deerstalker cap. (I can’t be the only one that watched Wishbone as a child?) I also have A Study in Scarlet (the first Holmes adventure) on the List, so I’ll eventually be reviewing it as well.

This particular Holmes case is set in the moors at the family estate of the baronet Baskerville. There is a legend that a horrible hound haunts the line of Baskerville men after one terrorized a young woman some generations ago. A new Lord Baskerville has just come back to England to inherit the estate, and Holmes has been called in due to the mysterious death of the previous Lord Baskerville. Not only is the book mostly set in this week of October, it’s got the spooky setting of the moors and a ghostly hound, too!

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