Honorable Mention #2 – The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov

51XFsyxJHwL._SX299_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgHappy Belated Father’s Day, Jim!

My second Freebie is to my stepfather, who selected this book for me to read. We did toy with the idea of Asimov’s Foundation series, since it’s part of the Great American Read, but after some deliberation, The Gods Themselves was selected. And it’s certainly an adventure.

Originally published in 1972, it won both the Nebula and the Hugo award in literature. It’s set in 3 parts, with a researcher concerned about a new energy source, then in an alternative universe where aliens survive in 3 gendered groupings, and then finally on the moon with a disgraced researcher and an intuitionist creating an inter-dimensional tool.  For one of my few forays into science fiction books, this novel was pretty interesting.

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