Honorable Mention #4 – Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow

6006518South Dakota seems to be the place of sequel books, so it took a while to determine what to assign to the state. So, I was left with Strange Angels, Logan’s Run, a novel about the making of Wizard of Oz, and a smattering of dust jacket with shirtless men in jeans. I decided to go with the part of me that will always say yes to a YA fantasy novel and chose Strange Angels as an honorable mention to the list. It’s set in an unnamed South Dakota town during the winter months, so expect plenty of Midwest/North West snow. Seriously, Dakotas, which section of the US are you? I thought Midwest, but Google keeps telling me otherwise. (This is why I studied math; I’m horrible at geography.)

Strange Angels is the first of a series by Lili St. Crow and originally published in 2009. I’m breaking one of my newer rules and not reviewing the entire series for the sole reason that this was an Honorable Mention pick, and I don’t believe the remainder of the books are set in South Dakota. It’s surprisingly flown under the radar, despite a promotional video that makes the whole book sound way less sarcastic than it actually is.

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