Book #885 – Bird Box by Josh Malerman

bird boxI was sitting in the Library, and thinking “You know what would be awesome to add to the Halloween thrills? An M. Night Shyamalan movie when he could still do an amazing twist at the end.” Well, I couldn’t really find anything that matched the ghostly story of Sixth Sense, so I settled for something approaching his later works, The Happening. That’s right, I’m talking about Bird Box, which took social media by storm last Christmas despite having nothing to do with Santa. It’s on my Netflix to watch at some point, but so are like a hundred other movies and tv series.

Originally published in 2014, the novel actually had a movie deal before it reached book shelves. The novel was met with mostly positive reviews, though some critics thought Malerman bit off more than he could chew with his debut novel. Despite this, the novel received a nomination for the Bram Stoker award for Best First Novel (it lost to a relatively unknown novel called Mr. Wicker). Note to self: find copy of Mr. Wicker. It could be argued that this was more post apocalyptic than horror, but there are certainly moments when the terror of the characters eeks through the pages.

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