Book #606 – Moon Called by Patricia Briggs

81sXivt+smL.jpgThis is the first of the Mercy Thompson series, now with 16 main books and several novellas. The first book was originally published in 2006 and introduces a world where the fae folk are starting to come out hiding, including Mercedes Thompson, a skin-walker coyote. The book introduces the werewolves, vampires, and other beings that habitat the Pacific Northwest. Surprisingly, despite the rather risque cover, the book is almost entirely a mystery that barely even allows swearing from the cast of characters.

While the story follows the mystery behind a death and the attack of a local pack of werewolves, it is mostly set up of all the relevant characters. There’s a lot, but more on that later. If I were to compare it to anything, think the paranormal show “Lost Girl” with a more PG-13 rating.

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