Book #159 – Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

6528333.jpgThis book on teenage werewolves was published during my freshman year of college, in 2009. Weirdly, despite it being right up the alley of my fantasy-loving teenage heart, I had never heard of this series (or Stiefvater’s other Raven series). I blame working 20-30 hours of work on top of my 18 hours of classes for falling off the book bandwagon. So, coming back to this a decade after I was in the target age group, there’s a lot I noticed that I might not have noticed a decade again.

The book follows Grace and Sam, a girl and her werewolf. Unlike mythical werewolves, this book introduces a variety of shifters affected by temperature. Grace, a high school student, is attacked by wolves as a child, and remains weirdly attached to them afterwards. It’s one of those young adult paranormal romance novels that makes you wonder about the sanity of teenage girls.  Continue reading “Book #159 – Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater”