Book #148 – Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

1343439Since I’ve already read Gone Girl as part of the Great American Read, and Tom Sawyer as part of my classic literature challenge, there weren’t many books left set in Missouri. I was tempted to read Gillian Flynn’s other novel, Dark Places, which has settings in Kansas City, but given the recent Super Bowl win and my sister living there, I didn’t want to tarnish my idea of the place with how twisted Flynn makes her characters. So, I instead went to the “boot heel” of the state with Flynn’s Sharp Objects. So, sorry, little-sis, I’m still terrified by your new state.

Sharp Objects was Gillian Flynn’s first published novel in 2006, during her career as a television critic for Entertainment Weekly. This debut novel has been met with praise, and while it may not have reached the fame of Gone Girl, it was the winner of the Ian Fleming Steel Dagger from the Crime Writer’s Association in 2007. This award is given to a thriller where one “just has to turn the next page”. The book also received a recent miniseries adaptation on HBO in 2018, with Amy Adams starring as Camille and Patricia Clarkson as Adora Crellin.

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Book #8 – Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

gone girlThis book was published in 2012, when I was half way through my last internship, 1 year engaged, and living in a postage stamp of an apartment. My life is so different than the two main characters, that you would think, I’d have nothing in common with them. Except, everyone who has been married has probably stared at their spouse and went “What are you thinking? Who are you?” I know I have, and I’m on my fifth anniversary this year.

I will admit, I knew one of the twists in this story. (The one that’s revealed immediately in part II) It was impossible not to, when the book was huge in 2014, into 2015 because of the movie. But I didn’t know everything. I didn’t know going in how much this book made me look at my husband and ask “What are you thinking?”.

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