Book #81 – Dune by Frank Herbert

9780441013593I continue with the science fiction theme started with my Father’s Day book. Dune was originally published in 1965 and received both the Nebula and Hugo awards (similar to The Gods Themselves). In 2003, it was claimed as the highest selling science fiction novel ever written, and with about 19 books in the collective series, it’s no wonder that many people can at least tell you about the blue-on-blue eyes of the fremen. There was also the movie in the 1980s and a video game series in the 1990s that helped keep the name in memory.

The story itself is about a political trap and betrayal of a Duke, and how his son survived after the loss of his home and way of life. It is set on the desert sands of Arrakis, a world so devoid of water that people wear specialized suits to reclaim their own body moisture. The planet holds the spice called melange, which apparently tastes similar to cinnamon and helps elongates human life. Too bad it didn’t really help the characters of this story, because there is so much death.

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