Book #204 – Foundation by Isaac Asimov

0_RMqOSyC-kzH-po5Y_Let’s continue with the science fiction trend. Originally published in 1951, this science fiction novel was the start of a series about a scientific community trying to keep order in the wake of galactic empire collapse. While probably not the first use of the term hyperspace, this series probably started the widely known use of the term, as well as giving cultural relevance to things like parsecs. Without Foundation, Han Solo may never have flown the Millennium Falcon. Okay, that might be a bit far reaching, but to say Asimov was one of the founders of modern science fiction would not be lying.

A lot of people might not enjoy how much the book jumps around, and in that respect, it’s similar to the other Asimov book I’ve read (The Gods Themselves). The book gives glimpses of the newly formed Foundation society on the planet Terminus. (Latin for boundary, since the planet is literally on the edge of the universe.) This first book has several plot lines, but feels like the set up for the rest of the series; it feels introductory.

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